From the beginning of AlanaKayART, the idea was to put bold colors and fine art into more people’s hands. I genuinely believe color can change someone’s life and perspective.
2020 has brought to the forefront the long-standing systemic racism that exists in the United States and beyond. As an artist, “it is my duty to depict the times” (Nina Simone) without fear of criticism.
Diversity and inclusion have played an important role in every aspect of the brand from its inception. Developing products that highlight racial injustice, systemic racism, and the marginalization of groups of people is one way we can continue the conversation.
AlanaKayART supports the ACLU in these efforts by donating monthly since 2020 to this organization. AlanaKayART is a member of the ACLU Guardians of Liberty.
Because we know color can changes lives, we must continue the conversation around equality of all skin colors.
Color can change lives, change the lives of people of color.